About the IDCFP CAMEL Rank: An Overall Look

The financial condition of a bank depends on a number of factors, from the balance sheet to the income statement. The best way to understand the impact of all these factors is to consider them relative to a defining factor for your particular institution, which ranges from asset size to…

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A Boom in Banks Issuing Brokered CDs

Banks issuing brokered CDs reached a new high of 1519 as of June 30, 2023, from a low of 1087 in 2022Q2. Our estimate is 2000 issuing banks at year-end 2023, above the high of 1914 in 2010Q3. By year-end 2024 we estimate there to be 3,000 issuing banks, an…

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Employ America’s June Core-Cast* Post-PPI Analysis

We have found Employ America to be the best and most reliable source in the analysis and forecast of inflation. Below is a summary of their recent newsletter discussing the trajectory of 2023 Core PCE. *Core-Cast is Employ America’s nowcasting model to track the Fed's preferred inflation gauges before and through their…

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